
Research proposal on effects of unemployment
Research proposal on effects of unemployment

research proposal on effects of unemployment

If the country suffers from economic crisis, the high level of unemployment can cause political and social problems. With the run of time he loses his professional skills and knowledge and it becomes even more complicated to find a job. The lack of the constant work affects the individual’s qualification. The person loses the means of self-development, the relations with family and friends become tense and very often such people remain alone and treated like losers. In addition, the social life of the unemployed is also damaged. Many people start to look for the way out in alcohol and drug abuse believing that the condition of oblivion can help them forget about the troubles of the real life. We can write a Custom Research Proposal on Unemployment for you! The unemployed person lives in the constant stress, because she tries to find a job but fails and this situation affects the human psychics and self-esteem negatively. Unemployment causes many problems which have psychological, social and political impact. First of all the lack of job reduces the financial background of the unemployed person, because she does not receive salary and the income reduces seriously or disappears at all. Unemployment is a serious problem which affects people badly.

research proposal on effects of unemployment

Unfortunately, the problem of unemployment can not be solved once for all and even the most developed countries have at least several percents of the unemployed people who are looking for a job. Unemployment is the phenomenon which is characterized with the lack of opportunities for people to find the appropriate job to make for their living. The Effects of Unemployment research proposal:

Research proposal on effects of unemployment